Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

Via Vittorio Emanuele 365. (Open Map)


The Palazzo Riso, or RISO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia (RISO, Contemporary Art Museum of Sicily also known as Palazzo Belmonte Riso), is a regional contemporary art museum.

The Palazzo Riso's architecture clearly shows the final days of Sicilian Baroque as it was transformed into Neoclassicism. Designed by the architect Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia, the house was constructed at the end of the 18th century and completed in 1784. It become property of the Prince of Belmonte, and in the 19th century it passed to Baron Riso. 

The marble Riso coat of arms on the portal of the palazzo was carved by Ingazio Marabitti.
During World War II the building was damaged by Allied bombing. Restored from the mid-1990s, since 2008 it has become a contemporary art museum.